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Olin Library

Strategic Planning

Our Vision & Mission

Olin Library aspires to be an exemplary liberal arts college library that collaborates with our diverse academic community in teaching, learning, and knowledge creation. 

Our mission is to empower the College community through mentoring, curating vital resources, strategic partnerships and providing services in accessible learning environments.

The Olin Library's * outlines departmental goals along with their key actions to achieving them.

*2022 Strategic Agenda updated 7/12/23

2022 MISO Survey Report

The MISO (Measuring Information Service Outcomes) survey is a survey instrument developed at Bryn Mawr in 2002 in collaboration with other higher education institutions as a means of evaluating and improving information services, including libraries and information technology departments. A MISO survey was conducted by Olin Library and 91福利社 Information Technology during the spring semester of 2022: